Click the links below to access your child's school supply list for the 2024-2025 school year
Lists will be added as they become available from the school/grade level.
School Supply Links | ||

Literacy Resources
Below are links to Literacy Resources for Parents.
Macon County Schools has recently updated information on bedbugs. Click HERE to view the latest updates.
Macon County Schools Timelines
The timelines were developed by Macon County teachers. Teachers studied the Tennessee state common core standards to write student-friendly daily outcomes or learning targets that are divided into four 9-week time periods. This helps teachers and students to have a clear map or guide to cover all the content for their grade level. Teachers also developed a common benchmark test to give at the end of each 9-week period to see how well the students are mastering what has been taught. We have plans to write a reading timeline this summer.
Check out Empower Upper Cumberland's website by clicking on the picture above.
Empower UC has hired 24 Navigators who will enroll and work with eligible families to meet their educational and employment goals. Empower UC works to streamline services that are already available, as well as provide new resources, such as milestone payments for meeting goals, financial support to overcome obstacles, and access to resources in the community. Circles USA focuses on creating opportunities for families to form peer relationships as well as linking them to “allies” in the community that provide connections to help them overcome barriers to success.
Additional services include:
Higher Education Planning and FAFSA Assistance
Aim High Certification – Soft Skill Development Training
Ready to Learn – Parental Engagement Opportunities
Career Planning and Budgeting Strategies