****SKYWARD ONLINE REGISTRATION FOR RETURNING MACON COUNTY STUDENTS IS CURRENTLY OPEN***** Parents are encouraged to register their children as soon as possible. Registering online will keep parents and students from having to attend school on registration day, August 1st. Any new student to Macon County Schools will need to register on August 1st at the school that your child will attend. Attached is a link to a document with steps for completing the registration process. IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCE WITH SKYWARD LOG IN INFORMATION OR HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT REGISTERING, PLEASE EMAIL skywardhelpdesk@maconcountyschools.org. Skyward Registration Steps: https://5il.co/1zdyh
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hesson
***7th GRADE FAMILIES*** Remember that the State of Tennessee requires TDAP booster and 2nd Varicella for 7th-grade entry. These vaccines AND proof of (Up To Date State of Tennessee Immunization Certificate) must be on file or in hand for your student to be able to start 7th grade. Anyone that does not have this on file or in hand will have to acquire these immunizations to be allowed to stay at school.
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hesson
****SKYWARD ONLINE REGISTRATION FOR RETURNING MACON COUNTY STUDENTS IS NOW OPEN***** Parents are encouraged to register their children as soon as possible. Registering online will keep parents and students from having to attend school on registration day, August 1st. Any new student to Macon County Schools will need to register on August 1st at the school that your child will attend. Attached is a link to a document with steps for completing the registration process. IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCE WITH SKYWARD LOG-IN INFORMATION OR HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT REGISTERING, PLEASE EMAIL skywardhelpdesk@maconcountyschools.org. Skyward Registration Steps: https://5il.co/1zdyh
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hesson
****SKYWARD ONLINE REGISTRATION FOR RETURNING MACON COUNTY STUDENTS***** Online registration will begin at 8:30am on Monday, July 17th for all returning students from 2022-2023 school year and all new Kindergarten students that registered in April. Parents are encouraged to register their children as soon as possible. Registering online will keep parents and students from having to attend school on registration day, August 1st. There are also several forms that will be completed during online registration that will not have to be completed on paper. Any new student to Macon County Schools will need to register on August 1st at the school that your child will attend. Attached is a link to a document with steps for completing the registration process. IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCE WITH SKYWARD LOG IN INFORMATION OR HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT REGISTERING, PLEASE EMAIL skywardhelpdesk@maconcountyschools.org. Skyward Registration Steps: https://5il.co/1zdyh
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hesson
Macon County Schools wants to give a shout-out to our teachers who gave up a Friday morning of their summer break to dig into the components of our newly adopted math curriculum. We are blessed with some of the BEST!!
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hesson
sum train
****SKYWARD ONLINE REGISTRATION FOR RETURNING MACON COUNTY STUDENTS***** Online registration will begin at 8:30am on Monday, July 17th for all returning students from 2022-2023 school year and all new Kindergarten students that registered in April. Parents are encouraged to register their children as soon as possible. Registering online will keep parents and students from having to attend school on registration day, August 1st. There are also several forms that will be completed during online registration that will not have to be completed on paper. Any new student to Macon County Schools will need to register on August 1st at the school that your child will attend. Attached is a link to a document with steps for completing the registration process. IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCE WITH SKYWARD LOG-IN INFORMATION OR HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT REGISTERING, PLEASE EMAIL skywardhelpdesk@maconcountyschools.org. Skyward Registration Steps: https://5il.co/1zdyh
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hesson
If you missed the instrument try-out nights at the end of the school year, you still have a chance to sign your student up for band! This is open to any student who will be in 6th, 7th, or 8th grade this coming school year. If you have any questions, email Ms. Kile at kilet@maconcountyschools.org https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1jMJf9soqWbyEomX4cnuREgPkdckSjU3IYqkBNwkc-Vs/edit
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hesson
Next week is the final tennis camp of summer.
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hesson
Any 4th or 5th-grade student interested in Treble Makers choir go here for Registration. https://forms.gle/AcykqjZUswRdaMgi6
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hesson
MCJHS Baseball tryouts for former players will be August 1st at 5:30 at city park field. Tryouts for new players will be August 4th at 5:30 at city park field.
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hesson
Free School Supplies and Backpack for K-8----See information attached
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hesson
Out of zone forms are available to be picked up at the Macon County Board of Education Monday-Friday between 7:00-2:30. All decisions will be made prior to the start of school and parent will be notified. Approved forms must be picked up from the Board of Education and turned into the requested school for your student.
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hesson
Inservice for K-8 P.E Teachers will be on Monday, July 17 at Westside Elementary from 8:00-11:00. Please have 1 or 2 activities or games to share with the group. You can use Westside's equipment.
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hesson
All Macon County Schools Supply Lists can be found on the Parent Page of the Macon County Schools website. https://www.maconcountyschools.com/page/parents
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hesson
Auditions for Bring it On the Musical will take place on Monday, July 24 at the MCHS auditorium at 3:15 pm. Students in kindergarten through 12th grade can audition. Students must be prepared to sing a few measures of a song of their choice.
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hesson
MCJH Cross Country
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hesson
Parents/Guardians: Due to recent legislation, all students that participate in any school-sponsored extracurricular activity must have a parent permission form on file with their coach, advisor, or club sponsor. This form must be completed prior to any participation or practice in the event. For your convenience, you can fill out one form and list all your child's activities. Return the form to your child's coach, advisor, or sponsor as soon as possible and they will in turn get them to the office and/or athletic director. A link to the form is attached and can also be found on the Parent Page of the Macon County Schools website, https://www.maconcountyschools.com/page/parents Shawn Carter https://5il.co/1ypwn
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hesson
All Skyward access will be locked today at 12:00 for end of the year rollover.
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hesson
The Macon County School Board will have a work session on Thursday, June 22, at 6:00 in the board room at the Macon County Board of Education.
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hesson