Macon County Director of Schools interviews will be broadcast Facebook Live on the Macon County District Facebook Page.
***BUS ROUTE UPDATES*** The Evening of September 6 the following Bus routes:
Bus 9 will Double Bus 17
Bus 60 will Double Bus 26
Bus 25 will Double Bus 3
Miss Autumn Beauty Pageant is Sept 17. Click the following link for access to the form.
Financial Aid Night at MCHS on Wednesday, September 21 at 6:00 pm in the MCHS Auditorium
***BUS ROUTE UPDATES*** The Morning of September 6 the following Bus routes:
Bus 9 will Double Bus 17
Bus 29 will Double Bus 31
Bus 25 will Double Bus 3
Bus 3 needs to be ready at usual time Bus 25 is gonna merge parts of both Routes
**REMINDER** No school tomorrow due to Labor Day.
***BUS ROUTE UPDATES*** The Morning of September 2 the following Bus routes:
Bus 9 will Double Bus 28
***BUS ROUTE UPDATES*** The Evening of August 31 the following Bus routes:
Bus 9 will double Bus 24
Bus 20 will Double Bus 5
***BUS ROUTE UPDATES*** The Evening of August 31 the following Bus routes:
Bus 20 will Double Bus 5
TITAN FOOD SERVICE ERROR-Over night a system update in the Titan Family Portal caused changes to some students' accounts. This error caused meals purchased from October 2021 to current date to be recharged to some student accounts. Please know we are working with Titan to correct this error. Do not panic if your child is showing a large negative balance due to this system error. No child is ever denied a meal based on fund balance in Titan. We will send a notification when the error has been corrected.
***BUS ROUTE UPDATES*** The Evening of August 30 the following Bus routes:
Bus 9 will Double Bus 21
***BUS ROUTE UPDATES*** The Evening of August 26 the following Bus routes:
Bus 9 will Double Bus 10
Bus 20 will
Double bus 5
***BUS ROUTE UPDATES*** The Morning of August 26 the following Bus routes:
Bus 20 will Double Bus 5
Please see the attached information and form for 2022 Makin' Macon Fit. The first-place school wins $500, second place school wins $300, the high teacher wins $200, and the team wins $200. Entry forms are due by 9/2.
MCHS Cheerleaders are running a fundraising campaign with Fan Cloth. Please click the link below to access the website for ordering.
***BUS ROUTE UPDATES*** The Evening of August 19 the following Bus routes:
Bus 9 will double Bus 17
FBLA will be selling MCHS homecoming t-shirts now thru - Sept. 9. Orders must be turned in by the end of the day Sept. 9. Price per shirt is $20 (S-XL), $22 (2XL), & $24 (3XL).
Order form is attached.
Money and form should be sent to MCHS to the attention of Debbie Curtis.
Homecoming is Friday, Sept. 23. Shirts will be sent to each school by Thursday, Sept. 22.
REVISED***BUS ROUTE UPDATES*** The Evening of August 18 the following Bus routes:
Bus 37 will double bus 26
Bus 20 will double bus 5
***BUS ROUTE UPDATES*** The Morning of August 18 the following Bus routes:
Bus 29 will double Bus 16
Expect Bus 16 to be Late
Thursday, September 1st:
10:15 - Juniors meet with Jostens to learn about class rings
11:00 - Seniors meet with Jostens to learn about cap/gown/invitations
Friday, September 9th:
11:00 - 12:30 Jostens will be taking orders for both Juniors and Seniors, they will be called out by alphabet