***BUS ROUTE UPDATES*** The Afternoon of August 16 the following Bus routes: Bus 9 will double Bus 21
over 2 years ago, Crystal Hesson
***BUS ROUTE UPDATES*** The Afternoon of August 12 the following Bus routes: Bus 9 will double Bus 10
over 2 years ago, Crystal Hesson
Please see Revised Director of School Selection Timeline.
over 2 years ago, Crystal Hesson
Director timeline
***DATE CORRECTION*** Miss Autumn Beauty Pageant will be held SEPTEMBER 17th. Please see form attached.
over 2 years ago, Crystal Hesson
Miss Autumn
***BUS ROUTE UPDATES*** The Morning of August 12 the following Bus routes: Bus 9 will double Bus 10
over 2 years ago, Crystal Hesson
Miss Autumn Beauty Pageant will be held August 17th. Please see form attached.
over 2 years ago, Crystal Hesson
Miss Autumn
***BUS ROUTE UPDATES*** The Afternoon of August 11 the following Bus routes: Bus 9 will double Bus 21 Bus 21 will be late
over 2 years ago, Crystal Hesson
Alumni Game at MCHS to be held Saturday, August 27. Game time 5 pm with gates opening at 4 pm. Vendors will be open at 4 pm for shopping in the parking lot. Vendors include LoneStar BBQ, GEC on the Go, 615 Boutique, and SheBrews Coffee. 16 alumni have already signed up and we would love to see many more! Come hangout with your old teammates and have a good time catching up while lacing up one more time. Admission $3.00.
over 2 years ago, Crystal Hesson
Alumni Bball Game
Macon County Jr High tennis tryouts for the 2022-2023 season for upcoming 6th, 7th, & 8th graders will be held at the high school tennis courts Thursday, August 18th from 3:00-4:30. Any student wishing to tryout must have a current sports physical on file in the school office or can bring a current physical with them to tryouts.
over 2 years ago, Crystal Hesson
MCHS Families
over 2 years ago, Crystal Hesson
Please see the attached information and form for 2022 Makin' Macon Fit
over 2 years ago, Crystal Hesson
MMF 2022
MMF 2022 Form
Lafayette Elementary drop off side doors will be shut and locked at 7:55 a.m. every morning. If you arrive after this time please enter through the front door. Thank you, Kristen Hix
over 2 years ago, Crystal Hesson
Previous post was directed to Lafayette Elementary Parents. Sorry for any confusion.
over 2 years ago, Crystal Hesson
Due to the high volume of pickups we are changing our pickup location. For our returning parents the pickups will be back to the way we started them at the beginning of last year. For our new parents I am including a drawn map. To explain: you should enter Poplar St. from Brattain Ave. continue along Poplar to High St. turn right on High St. and enter the Football field parking lot. Pull up to the paved driveway and form 2 lines. The left side will leave by turning left onto Meador Dr. The right line will leave by turning right and following the driveway back out to High St. you may only turn left onto High St and the back right onto Elm St. which will lead back to Braxton Ave. I apologize for the change, but Scottsville Rd. was backed up and we don’t want to cause issues in our community. Thank you for understanding. We will be able to get you through our line just as quickly. Our pickup crew works very hard and does a great job!! Thank you, Sherry, Christan, Tameshia, and Larry!!
over 2 years ago, Crystal Hesson
LES pickup
Kids soccer camp will be rescheduled for Saturday August 6 from 8-12. We will just do one day for camp just make it longer. We will provide drinks and snacks for the kids. Thanks Coach Jessica Leftrick
over 2 years ago, Crystal Hesson
MCJH Soccer Camp
LES PARENTS: For pick-ups in the afternoon, parents should ONLY come from Scottsville rd. Buses will be in front of the school.
over 2 years ago, Crystal Hesson
LAFAYETTE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PARENTS Please see this message from Principal Kristen Hix. I have been informed there are some confusing posts about drop-offs and pick-ups. To our veteran parents who were with us last year, both morning and afternoon lines will run just like they did at the end of last year. To our parents just joining us, to drop your child off or pick your child up at Lafayette Elementary school please pull to the side of the building near the playground. There will be two lanes and you should pull down and stop at whomever is directing the traffic. This person will guide your child where to go. The same is true for afternoon pickups. Please pull to that same side no earlier than 2:45. There will be 2 lanes then as well. Stay in your vehicle your child will be directed to you. Please be patient the first few days as people are learning our routines. We will get you out as soon as possible. Thank you, Kristen Hix
over 2 years ago, Crystal Hesson
🚨🚨 IMPORTANT INFORMATION 🚨🚨 For the last two school years the USDA has provided School Nutrition Programs across the country with the ability to provide free meals to all students regardless of their income. This was made possible by waivers provided by the federal government. Macon County Schools will be returning to our pre-covid meal structure. Community Eligibility Provison (CEP) is a non-pricing meal service option for schools and school districts in low-income areas. CEP allows the nation’s HIGHEST-poverty schools to serve breakfast and lunch at no cost to all enrolled students without collecting household applications. During the 2022-2023 school year the following schools will operate by CEP, • Fairlane Elementary • Central Elementary • Lafayette Elementary • Macon County Jr High • Red Boiling Springs Elementary • Red Boiling Springs School • Westside Elementary Macon County High School does not qualify for the Community Eligibility Provision. However, during the July 14, 2022 board meeting the Macon County Board of Education approved to allow the School Nutrition Program with the ability to provide Free Breakfast at Macon County High School. We know that times are difficult for many families, while this doesn’t alleviate the full burden of having to pay for meals, we want to ensure every student starts their day off with access to a nutritious breakfast. We encourage ALL students at MCHS to fill out a Free and Reduced Meals Application at https://family.titank12.com/?identifier=VXTN38&mibextid=zGKedc&fs=e&s=cl Meal Prices for the 2022-2023 school year, Full price Lunch - $2.50 Reduced price Lunch - $0.40 Please contact School Nutrition with any questions. 615-666-2125 ext 1115 tcoe@maconcountyschools.org
over 2 years ago, Crystal Hesson
One final reminder that tonight is the chance to complete online registration without having to attend school on registration day, August 1st. Registration Steps: https://5il.co/1eair
over 2 years ago, Crystal Hesson
MCJH Softball tryouts have been canceled until a later time.
over 2 years ago, Crystal Hesson