Little Miss, Petite Miss, and Junior Miss Pageants will be held on Feb 12th. Entry forms will be sent home next week. You can also access the form by clicking on the link below.
about 3 years ago, Crystal Hesson
The Macon County Board of Education work session scheduled for Thursday, January 6th at 6:00pm has been rescheduled for Tuesday, January 11th at 6:00pm.
about 3 years ago, Crystal Hesson
Reminder......School will dismiss today, December 17th, at 10:00am. School will resume for the Spring Semester on January 5, 2022.
about 3 years ago, Crystal Hesson
Substitutes' payday for December is this Friday, December 17. Checks must be picked up at the Central Office between 7:00 and 10:00 a.m. that day or they will be mailed.
about 3 years ago, Crystal Hesson
The "Lets Grow 37150 Challenge" officially kicks off January 1, 2022 🙂 Please share on your feed or story TIA ❤ This is a friendly community competition to get us moving in the right direction in the New Year!! What do you have to do to join the fun? Like our Facebook page, post a photo of you doing something healthy on your social media, tag us in the photo and use the hashtag #LetsGrow37150. You must post at least 30 daily pics on your social media within the challenge time frame (Jan 1-Feb 14, 2022) to be entered for the prizes. Why 30 days? It takes 30 days to create new habits! To our health #RedBoilingSprings!
about 3 years ago, Crystal Hesson
Due to the threat of severe weather tonight and tomorrow, Macon County High School is rescheduling Saturday’s ACT test for next Saturday, December 18. Students will receive an email from ACT with further information.
about 3 years ago, Crystal Hesson
Due to potential bad weather Friday night/early Saturday morning, students taking the December 11 ACT need to check their emails and the Macon County Schools App for testing updates on Saturday morning before testing.
about 3 years ago, Crystal Hesson
Due to the threat of weather conditions, Macon County Schools will be 2 hours late today, December 6th.
about 3 years ago, Crystal Hesson
LES Bus and Car rider afternoon pickup changes Due to road work on Bratton Ave., our buses will be picked up at the front of the building instead of the side beginning Monday Dec. 6.The buses must travel in the direction of Scottsville Rd. to make their complete routes. Due to this change any car pulling out of our parking lot onto Meador Dr. must turn left. The buses will be pulled into the front parking spaces with their stop signs out so no one will be able to go around them. Sorry for the inconvenience. You will be notified when the traffic flow will return to normal. Thank you, Kristen Hix, principal
about 3 years ago, Crystal Hesson
***BUS ROUTE UPDATES*** The Evening of December 3 the following Bus routes : Bus 9 will double Bus 60
about 3 years ago, Crystal Hesson
Macon County School System is aware of a social media post which threatens school violence. The threat has been investigated and the post has been traced to Trousdale County but as a precaution Macon County Schools will be on alert and security will be increased to ensure that our students are safe and that our school day will proceed as normal
about 3 years ago, Crystal Hesson
Parents & Guardians, check out the link below for 6 easy (Yay!), HEALTHY Holiday Snacks for Kids!:
about 3 years ago, Crystal Hesson
Elementary 4th/5th grade choir concert will be Tuesday, December 14 at 6:30 in Lafayette Elementary Gym. Everyone’s invited!! Students would love the support of their families, teachers and former teachers!
about 3 years ago, Crystal Hesson
Please see the following information from Calvary Baptist Church: Less than a week remaining to call and register for our backpack program this year. We’re limited in the 5-7-year-old and 8-10-year-old age groups, but there’s several remaining in all of the other age groups…which span from ages 2-17. Come be with us for a great morning on Saturday, Dec. 11. Details below … Once again, come be a part of the Calvary Baptist Christmas backpack program! Calvary Baptist Church – located at 6851 Highway 52 East in Lafayette – will once again be participating in its Christmas backpack program. The church will be giving away backpacks for children age 2-17 who are in need of one of the backpacks, which contain a variety of essential supplies. Those backpacks will be given away on the morning of Dec. 11, following a light breakfast that will be provided and a Christmas program held at the church. The children and their families are invited to the program. Interested individuals must register by Dec. 4. For more information or to register, call Craig Harris at 615-633-8090.
about 3 years ago, Crystal Hesson
***BUS ROUTE UPDATES*** The Evening of November 23 the following Bus routes : Bus 29 will double Bus 28 Bus 60 will double Bus 9
about 3 years ago, Crystal Hesson
Macon County high school boys soccer team and parent meeting will be Tuesday night At 7 pm in the indoor facility.
about 3 years ago, Crystal Hesson
PR 2 Progress Report 2021-2022 are now available in Skyward Parent and Student Access under the Portfolio area of the website and app. Anyone that would like to have Parent Skyward Account, please email parent name and student name(s) to
about 3 years ago, Crystal Hesson
Parents of 8th Graders that will be attending MCHS next year
about 3 years ago, Crystal Hesson
8th Grade
Parents of 8th graders who will be attending MCHS next school year: On November 22 at 5:00pm there will be an informational meeting in Macon County Junior High Auditorium for parents and students about preparing students for transition to high school. Mara Cruz will be at this meeting to interpret for any parents that may need her services. If you have any questions, please contact Marla Davis. Thank you!
about 3 years ago, Crystal Hesson
*****Auditions for SpongeBob the Musical****** Monday, Dec. 6 for Kindergarten through 5th grade 3:00 MCHS Auditorium Thursday, Dec. 9 for 6th grade through 12th grades 3:00 MCHS Auditorium Monday, Dec. 13 Call Backs (ONLY IF YOU RECEIVE A CALL BACK) 3:00 MCHS Auditorium ***Students should be prepared to sing 30 seconds to a minute of a song of their choice.***
about 3 years ago, Crystal Hesson