*****2021-2022 SKYWARD ONLINE REGISTRATION FOR RETURNING MACON COUNTY STUDENTS****** Online registration for all returning students, including on-site and virtual students from 2020-2021 school year, is now open in Skyward. Parents are encouraged to register their children as soon as possible. Registering online will keep parents and students from having to attend school on registration day, August 2nd. Attached is a link to a pdf of the steps in order to complete the registration process. IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCE WITH SKYWARD LOGIN OR HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT REGISTERING, PLEASE EMAIL skywardhelpdesk@maconcountyschools.org. YOU CANNOT REGISTER THROUGH THE APP, YOU WILL HAVE TO LOG ON THE MACON COUNTY SKYWARD LOGIN PAGE WEBSITE. Link to Macon County Skyward Login Page: https://sis-macon.tnk12.gov/scripts/wsisa.dll/WService=wsMACStu/seplog01.w Skyward Registration Steps: https://5il.co/vl43
*****2021-2022 SKYWARD ONLINE REGISTRATION FOR RETURNING MACON COUNTY STUDENTS****** Online registration for all returning students, including on-site and virtual students from 2020-2021 school year, is now open in Skyward. Parents are encouraged to register their children as soon as possible. Registering online will keep parents and students from having to attend school on registration day, August 2nd. Attached is a link to a pdf of the steps in order to complete the registration process. IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCE WITH SKYWARD LOGIN OR HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT REGISTERING, PLEASE EMAIL skywardhelpdesk@maconcountyschools.org.
Link to Macon County Skyward Login Page: https://sis-macon.tnk12.gov/scripts/wsisa.dll/WService=wsMACStu/seplog01.w
Skyward Registration Steps: https://5il.co/vl43
*****2021-2022 SKYWARD ONLINE REGISTRATION FOR RETURNING MACON COUNTY STUDENTS****** Online registration for all returning students, including on-site and virtual students from 2020-2021 school year, is now open in Skyward. Parents are encouraged to register their children as soon as possible. Registering online will keep parents and students from having to attend school on registration day, August 2nd. Attached is a link to a pdf of the steps in order to complete the registration process. IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCE WITH SKYWARD LOGIN OR HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT REGISTERING, PLEASE EMAIL skywardhelpdesk@maconcountyschools.org.
Link to Macon County Skyward Login Page: https://sis-macon.tnk12.gov/scripts/wsisa.dll/WService=wsMACStu/seplog01.w
Skyward Registration Steps: https://5il.co/vl43
Some Seniors are wanting senior shirts to wear on the first day of school… if you are interested please contact Macie Dillard, Andrea Flynn or Aidan Flynn. Shirts are $20 each
Orders and money are due by this Friday, 24th
Girls shirt is as pictured
Boys will be on a light grey shirt instead
Also the money we make will be donated to our class account
*****SKYWARD ONLINE REGISTRATION FOR RETURNING MACON COUNTY STUDENTS****** Online registration for all returning students, including on-site and virtual students from 2020-2021 school year is now open in Skyward. Parents are encouraged to register their children as soon as possible. Registering online will keep parents and students from having to attend school on registration day, August 2nd. Attached is a link to a pdf of the steps in order to complete the registration process. IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCE WITH SKYWARD LOGIN OR HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT REGISTERING, PLEASE EMAIL skywardhelpdesk@maconcountyschools.org. Skyward Registration Steps: https://5il.co/vl43
MCHS Youth Volleyball Camp will be held Monday and Tuesday, July 26th and 27th from 10:00 until 1:00. The cost is $50 per camper. Camp is open to girls entering 3rd grade through 8th grade. Forms will be available to fill out on the first day of camp. Doors will open at 9:30. For questions, please contact Brooke Smith at 615-888-6407.
****SKYWARD ONLINE REGISTRATION FOR RETURNING MACON COUNTY STUDENTS***** Online registration will begin at 10:00am on July 19th for all returning students, including on-site and virtual students from 2020-2021 school year. Parents are encouraged to register their children as soon as possible. Registering online will keep parents and students from having to attend school on registration day, August 2nd. Attached is a link to a pdf of the steps in order to complete the registration process. If you need assistance with skyward log in information or have any questions about registering, please email skywardhelpdesk@maconcountyschools.org.
Skyward Registration Steps: https://5il.co/vl43
MCJH cross country practice will begin Monday, July 19 at 6:00pm, with a short parent meeting included. Any incoming 6th, 7th, or 8th grade boy or girl is welcome to run. Wear tennis shoes and bring your own water.
All School Supply Lists can now be found on the Macon County Schools Website under the Parents Page. Link is below:
Please contact schools directly with any questions about supply lists.
For MCHS Juniors and Seniors, painted parking spaces will be available this year. You can visit the MCHS Facebook page for access to the necessary forms. Forms are also available in the office at MCHS beginning July 15. Completed forms can either be turned in to the MCHS office or to Mrs. Rebecca Clark. Mrs. Clark will be available at MCHS on Friday, July 16 from 12:30-3:00 and Monday, July 19 from 2:30 to 5:30 for students to either pick up or turn in a form.
MCHS Cross Country will begin practice Saturday, July 17th at 8 AM. Parent meeting will be Monday, July 19th at 4:30 PM at the course with practice following afterwards at 5:00 PM. All runners will need a current sports physical prior to the first practice. For more information, please contact Coach Troy Kirby at 615-633-8985 or tkirby@nctc.com.
Please bring plenty of water, wear tennis shoes and cool comfortable clothing.
Any parent that needs Spanish translation services and help with online Skyward Registration for the 2021-2022 school year, Mara Cruz will be available on July 19th and July 20th from 8:00am-4:00pm, and July 28th and July 29th from 8:00am-6:00pm, in the Technology Center at the Macon County Board of Education located at 501 College Street, Lafayette, TN. This is not available to new students to Macon County Schools. Registration for new students will take place on August 2nd for all Macon County Schools.
Starting at 10:30 today, June 30th, Macon County Schools Skyward accounts will be locked down. This is for year end roll over process to prepare for next school year. This will include all staff, teachers, families, and student access. Full access will resume closer to the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year. Online registration for families will begin on July 19th. More information on registration process will be released closer to time.
Anyone who is interested in becoming a Substitute Teacher in Macon County School System for the 21-22 School Year, please click on the link below and follow each step. If you have any question, for a timely answer, please email subinfo@maconcountyschools.org.
Free Meal Pick Up for Any Child 18 and Under.
Central Elementary 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Red Boiling Springs (Thru the Back Gate) 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Westside Elementary Parking Lot 9:45 AM - 10:15 AM
Macon County High School would like to invite all members of the community to participate in a vigil in memory of Lorena Orduna Martinez at 6pm Saturday, June 12 in front of the school.
Pleas see the attached notification from Macon County High School
***Hilltop Market Sale Information***
Due to the weather forecast, our Hilltop Market Sale Event will be held inside our school both Friday and Saturday, June 11th and 12th.
Please come out and shop with us Friday and Saturday we have about 40 different vendors coming.
Please checkout our Hilltop Market Sale Facebook event page for more details on vendors attaching our event. https://fb.me/e/2fgBb88d9 or our school's Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/RedBoilingSpringsHS
T4 Report Cards are now available in Skyward Parent and Student Access under the Portfolio area of the website and app. Anyone that would like to have Parent Skyward Account, please email parent name and student name(s) to skywardhelpdesk@maconcountyschools.org
Tuesday, June 1st will the first day of Summer Learning Program. Those who are riding the bus, please be patient with bus drivers as this will be the first time running these routes. Your child will be picked up between 6:00am-7:30am. We realize this is a large time span but until these routes are run for the first time, we cannot give exact times. Thank you for you understanding and patience as we start on Tuesday.