Skyward Parent and Student Access is now locked to prepare for Online Registration which will open July 6th. Any parent that needs their Skyward login info or account created needs to email student and parent names to David Flynn at
over 4 years ago, David Flynn
Please push out: MCHS Graduation info: • Seniors be in the gym at LES at 5:30 •  Dress code is on the announcements found on the school website •  Everyone over 2 years old MUST have a ticket to attend •  All info is in the instruction page included with the tickets given to each graduate •  If you have decided not to participate, contact Mrs. Porter ASAP •  Contact Mrs. Porter with any questions 633-6026
over 4 years ago, David Flynn
Please see schedule change due to dead periods for RBSHS tryouts..All 3 will be on June19, 10:00 for HS football, 3:00 Hs softball, and 6:00 for jr high football.
over 4 years ago, David Flynn
RBSHS high school football tryouts will be June 25, 10:00 and Jr high at 6:00 pm. High school softball will be June 22, 10:00
over 4 years ago, David Flynn
Online Registration for students returning to school this fall will open in Skyward on July 6th. To use this online process, you child must have ended the school year in a Macon school. You will need your Skyward Parent login username and password prior to July 6. More info will be available closer to time. Please do not wait to get your account info if you do not know. Email parent and student names to for account info.
over 4 years ago, David Flynn
The MCJH Softball Team for 20-21 is now posted on the front door of the school and on the schools Facebook page.
over 4 years ago, David Flynn
Tonight’s Work Session meeting of the Board of Education will not be streamed live. It is open to the public with limited seating for social distancing. Meeting begins at 6pm at the Board of Ed Office.
over 4 years ago, David Flynn
MCHS Senior Class of 2021 is holding a t-shirt sale and info can be found at
over 4 years ago, David Flynn
Please see info regarding the last days for locker item pickups at MCJH at
over 4 years ago, David Flynn
Any upcoming 6th, 7th, or 8th grade girl that wants to try out for Jr. High volleyball, please email Coach Griggs at by Sunday, May 31. In this email, provide the child’s first and last name, upcoming grade, and the best number to receive a text. Athlete’s must have a current physical on file before trying out. Once numbers are known, then dates and locations will be provided.
over 4 years ago, David Flynn
Summer meal pickup starts Mon. June 1st, 2020. Pickup days are Mondays and Wednesdays 9:30-12:30. If you need meals delivered, call 615-688-9587. See attached flyer for more info.
over 4 years ago, David Flynn
Summer Meals 2020
Please see attached info regarding MCJH Cheerleader try-outs
over 4 years ago, David Flynn
mcjh cheer tryouts
MCJH Girl’s Soccer..Any upcoming 6th, 7th or 8th grade girl interested in trying out for junior high soccer please contact email Coach Jessica by 2pm on June 3rd. Please include child’s name and grade in the email. Information about tryouts to come later that afternoon. Email for Coach Jessica is
over 4 years ago, David Flynn
Please see attached info at on try-outs for MCHS Color Guard June 9-12
over 4 years ago, David Flynn
The 2020-21 Sports Physical packet is now available and can be downloaded/printed at
over 4 years ago, David Flynn
MCHS Girls Soccer Try-outs- Try-outs will be held on Monday, June 1st. Senior and Junior try-outs 10:00-11:00 AM. Sophomore and Freshman try-outs 11:30-1:00 PM. Students must have an active physical to try-out.
over 4 years ago, David Flynn
MCHS SENIORS... Reminder—this Friday is the Senior Tribute Movie Night at the Macon Drive-In. The movie begins at 8:15pm sharp. Please start arriving around/after 7:00pm. Concessions will be available
over 4 years ago, David Flynn
Attention parents of students that were in PreK with Mrs. Evette, Mrs. Tonya or Mrs. Scarlett, please complete the parent short program survey found at Your participation is greatly appreciated!!
over 4 years ago, David Flynn
MCHS Girl's volleyball try-outs for any MCJH 8th grade girl coming into MCHS and any MCHS girl will be held on June 3rd at 4:00pm at MCHS.
over 4 years ago, David Flynn
over 4 years ago, David Flynn