Parents of MCJH 8th Graders, please see the attached letter regarding MCHS 2021-22 Course Selection Process.
Please see attached flyer from Macon Community Hospital and Macon County Health Department.
***BUS ROUTE UPDATES*** The afternoon of April 23 the following Bus routes :
Bus 27 will double Bus 09
Bus 30 will double Bus 31
****BUS UPDATE****
Bus 29 has doubled with Bus 60 this afternoon
MCHS Baccalaureate is Sunday, May 2nd at 3:00 in the J.Y. Carter Auditorium at MCHS
***BUS ROUTE UPDATES*** The afternoon of April 22 the following Bus routes :
Bus 9 will double Bus 21
Bus 14 will double Bus
Bus 21 and 22 may arrive home later than usual
Attn: MCHS Seniors & Parents
Graduation info is available on the Counseling Center Google Classroom as well as the Counseling Center FB page. Seniors must be at graduation practice on Friday, May 21st at 9:00 am in order to participate in the graduation ceremony.
Please see the attached information about upcoming job fair. Students will need to register and this is for any student who will be needing a full or part-time job.
***BUS ROUTE UPDATES*** The afternoon of April 21 the following Bus routes :
Bus 27 will double Bus 60
Bus 60 will arrive home later than usual
Check out our student-led career/ program of study at Red Boiling Springs fair.
NEW***BUS ROUTE UPDATES*** The afternoon of April 19 the following Bus routes :
Bus 9 will double Bus 3 and
Bus 31 will double Bus 34
Bus 29 will double Bus
Bus 3 and Bus 34 and Bus 7 students will arrive home later than usual
***BUS ROUTE UPDATES*** The afternoon of April 19 the following Bus routes :
Bus 9 will double Bus 3 and
Bus 31 will double Bus 34
Bus 3 and Bus 34 students will arrive home later than usual
Please see the link below for information onthe MCHS 2021 Parent led Prom.
****BUS UPDATE****
Bus 30 will double for 31 as usual. Bus 27 will double for 9.
Some children will be approximately 45 minutes late getting home this evening
Macon County Arts Council will be hosting a Musical Theatre Workshop May 6th-8th.This will be for students ages 10-18. This workshop will be lead by Kelly Blackwood and Amy Walworth. To register and for more information go to
See attached flyer for the MCHS FBLA Pet Supply Drive
The afternoon of April 13 the following Bus routes :
Bus 27 will double bus 9 and Bus 29 will double 12
Bus 9 and Bus 12 will arrive home later than usual
See the attached flyer for the MCHS FFA Greenhouse Sale.
Hours are Thursday & Friday from 8a - 5p and Saturday from 8a - 2p.
The afternoon of April 13 the following Bus routes :
Bus 27 will double bus 9
Bus 9 will arrive home later than usual
Any upcoming 6th, 7th, or 8th grade student wanting to join the MCJH band, please follow this link and read through all the prompts before filling out the form at the end.There will be a meeting about renting instruments May 5th, at 4:30, in the MCJH auditorium. Thank you!