Anyone needing a tutorial for the RevTrak Food Service system to pay lunch fees online can view the brief how-to video at

Any student lunch accounts that need paying before the end of the year can be paid online in Skyward using RevTrak...anyone that needs help with this or their Skyward info contact flynnd@maconcountyschools.org

Parents of current 8th graders at MCJH who will be MCHS Freshmen this fall need to review all info at https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1fjyYwsKsqatsraOMrcDyhisTCNo7wb8ZH3khaQ9zMIA/edit?usp=sharing to finalize course requests for the 20-21 school year.

MCHS Parents of 9-11 graders...please see attached flyer and info at https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1m7o-Hnm0R-t9s24Uf3YPrvbH85oyc3fQ4n4eSa_wUOQ/edit?usp=sharing on course approve for 20-21 school year.

LES Parents....If you need to pick up medicine or anything left in the nurse’s office for your child at LES tomorrow May 1st, please park in the football parking lot and walk to the front door to sign for these items. The nurse will be at a table outside.

Any 7th or 8th grader at MCJH interested in applying for Interact Club, please use this link https://forms.gle/UoMRynH4Dvw5x2ks7 instead of one sent earlier.

MCJH students going into 7th or 8th grade fall of 2020...MCJH Interact Club application can be done oneline at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1HtMditD_fnTpm1S6dnpKn_MKQac7huk1iIKmr7S3J04/prefill or you can download a paper app at https://5il.co/fote Deadline is May 10th

Macon County Schools Substitutes and Support Staff see attached info regarding April 30, 2020 payroll process.

The Macon County Board of Ed Work Session meeting will be held Thurs. April 29 at 6pm. Due to Covid-19 meeting restrictions, the meeting will be streamed on Facebook Live on the district page. No public attendance will be allowed at this meeting. Agenda at https://5il.co/fo66

**PreK/Kindergarten On-site Registration Info** Please attached info for dates and times of registration for PreK/K fall of 2020. All students must register at the school for which they are zoned to attend. Info available at https://5il.co/fmgo

**UPDATED School Pickup Schedule** Please updated school pickup schedule at https://5il.co/fm24 for all school schedules. The schedule includes a change for MCHS and info for FES. All school pickup schedules are now available at the above link.

ATT MCHS & RBSHS Seniors 2020...please complete the form at https://forms.gle/aYT1eTf6ZRzv4QF19 to be included in the Senior Spotlight segments on WEEN Radio.

ATT: RBSHS Students please see atttached info at https://5il.co/fl6h about selecting classes for the 20-21 school year.

MCHS Prom will not be held on May 2bd as originally schedule but will held in June with the date TBA.

MCHS Seniors: If you are trying to make a cap & gown payment, 1800JOSTENS has been overloaded with calls. The local rep has added 9316524180 as an additional number to call for payments and questions.

LES will have 10 extra yearbooks to sell on May 1st from 7-3. Come to front door to purchase. Cash only! first come first served.

We need your help!! Macon County Schools is conducting a technology in the home survey. Please take a moment to answer 3 question anonymous survey found at https://forms.gle/bK33UuCeiaY3JVbJ7 We greatly appreciate you input and time!!

School dropoff/pickup info updated with info for RBSHS...full schedule at https://5il.co/ffth

Please info on the Eye Spy Energy Workshop for students sponsored by Tri-County Electric. The workshop is for students age 5-12 yrs old and will be held on April 28th at 10am. See more info at https://5il.co/ffho

MCHS Seniors:
If you have a painted parking spot, you can either pay to have it painted over or you can do it yourself. Payment needs to be made on May 7th when you pick up your cap & gown or it needs to be painted by May 23rd.